forum > Rover 800 Board > Welcome to this Board

Rover 800 Board

Welcome to this Board

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#1 Posted: 03/04/2015 21:27:21
Joined 26/03/2015 19:31:12
5.0 V8 :-) Bit Pokey
Chat about anything Rover 800 related in here
#2 Posted: 03/06/2015 08:36:22
Joined 26/03/2015 19:24:51
Woo hoo looks like I'm the only 800 in here at the moment, yes not like all those common mg's we all need some rover luxury ??.

So I have had my vitesse coupe for around 6 years or so and I am getting slowly tempted to go down the 180 or 190 route with a rover interior but still to commit 100%, but if it pops up then I may just jump in the common mg bandwagon with the rest of you ??.

Usually on the Facebook pages but after a gentle nudge from Gee I decided to pop in here.

Keep up the good work all

#3 Posted: 03/06/2015 10:44:39
Joined 26/03/2015 09:29:36
MGF 1.8i
Hi Robert ,
Thank you for taking the time to register here with us and telling us about your car , as always good to hear about every ones car's and good to see people are starting to use the website Suzi :)
#4 Posted: 03/06/2015 13:07:40
Joined 25/03/2015 19:30:44
Welcome Robert, A nice car indeed, Look forward to seeing it at a meet hopefully

#5 Posted: 15/02/2016 17:50:48
Joined 26/03/2015 19:31:12
5.0 V8 :-) Bit Pokey
Ahh the days of Big Gee running around in one with the Hi-Viz jacket in the parcel shelf, everyone staying behind him thinking he was the police!

Brilliant :-)